eSketch is a fast paced drawing and guessing game.
You can find the rules of the game here
When you're connected and playing eSketch, click the person icon in the top right. You can either allow a friend to copy the QR code, or you can copy the URL and send it to a friend. The link will allow your invitees to join the same room as you, but if the room is already full up to the maximum they will need to wait for space or join another room.
You can earn points by guessing the word being sketched correctly as well as when other users guess the word you are sketching correctly. The more correct guesses, the more points!
Guest users lose their points at the end of each game session. Points for registered users are accrued in their account for others to see.
All games take place in rooms. A room is a single session of eSketch® that is being played up to a maximum of 10 players, a room has a specific dictionary of words for users to sketch. You may move from one room to another by leaving a room and joining another and be matched automatically with other users who also want to play with the same dictionary as you.
'Easy' room - Words/phrases that are easier side to spell, sketch or both.
'Hard' room - Words/phrases that are on the more difficult side to spell, sketch or both.
We believe that chatting and guessing is as much fun as the sketching! So if you want to dive in deeper and see what people are saying, you can click the round 'fullscreen chat' button to quickly switch between stowed and full screen chat mode. You can still see what's happening in the game in the background and you can still guess when in full screen mode, but you'll need to make the chat stowed again to continue playing (choose a word to sketch, to sketch etc).
When it's your turn to sketch, you'll have 60 seconds to sketch the word so that others can guess it. Once someone has correctly guessed the word the allowed time reduces to 20 seconds!
It is possible to block a user when you are in the same room as them by clicking on their name on the scoreboard (either at the bottom in mobile, or on the right side on desktop), this will display a popup containing the user's profile. From here you can click the 'Block user' button. If the user is already blocked, the button will read 'Unblock user'.
Please bear in mind that because users can join as guests and don't necessarily have to register to play, if you block a guest user this is only likely to be temporary. A block for a registered user will be permanent and is stored against your user account.
When you block a user, you will no longer see the user's messages in the chat and guess section. Due to the nature of how the game works, this will not prevent you from seeing the person's name in the scoreboard, nor will you stop being able to view their drawing when they are up to draw - because you'll still need to guess their drawing.
The best way to deal with a user that is annoying or harassing is to block the user and/or leave the room. See How do I block another eSketcher?
We're considering this as a feature in the future, but at the moment it is not possible to flood fill when drawing.
You certainly can! Guest users have their usernames picked at random, but registered users can choose their own permanent username.
You can pick your own username, collect points and permanently block users.
Currently English only, but we are looking to expand into other languages soon. Keep your eyes peeled.
At the moment we work on a matchmaking system that is public and open to all. Currently private lobbies/rooms are not something that we support.
We want to foster a great place to draw and sketch, so if you break the rules, you may have points removed from your current session, your account, be kicked from the room you are in or be banned entirely.
It's a bit of fun to make the winner feel good.
Last updated date: 8th June 2024